Sneeze Guards

Sneeze guards are necessary in the hospitality industry when food is in open public areas. Sneeze guards, also known as food guards, breath guards or shields, protect food from people's sneezes and breath zones.
We offer both full service sneeze guards and self-service sneeze guards with multiple custom options. Some food guard options include end glass, pivoting doors, multi-tier designs, adjustable doors, rotating doors, lighting/heating installations and custom glass. Apart from our large standard food guard selection, custom design orders are readily received. Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions or food guard design ideas.
Counter top Glass Shields are perfect for medical offices, security offices, banks and other hospitality & essential business industries
We offer custom sneeze guard designs and various finishes. Every sneeze guard is unique. Call us today discuss your measurements and we can design and price the correct sneeze guard for your project . Our configuration table below illustrates the most common sneeze guard designs.