Architectural Design

By Specifying Gallery Metalwork’s the Design Professional will have confidence in exacting standards of metalwork being provided exactly per specification.
Gallery Metalwork’s and Easy Queue are committed to assist you in the following ways:
2. Value engineering
3. Pre planning
4. Pre budgeting of projects
5. Prototyping of new product
6. Samples, photos on file to aid design, detailing
7. Chain orientation….e.g. Marriott, Holiday Inn, Mr Sub, KFC, Via Rail
8. Showroom, binders, web site, ‘Lunch and Learns’, seminars
9. Finishes and textures of metals expertise, advice and samples
10. Estimating
Contact Us for any of the following for questions, quotations, planning assistance, samples or other information. Capabilities, new products and scope of work are under continuous improvement and value engineering.
The company will attempt to be available to Design Pros for “on the spot” questions through normal retail hours in Canada coast to coast.